Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oh the stories we could tell....

The things I miss the most about home all revolve around the bathroom...
Picture this... potty training a 2 year old in a country that doesn't have public restrooms and is known for people using the bathroom anywhere and everywhere on the ground. These people are pros at it but picture one white lady taking her 2 year old yelling that he has to "go" but he doesn't speak the same language as me her.

Think about smelling this.... being in a province that is in a drought with people that go to the bathroom anywhere and everywhere. Oh yes... our ferrets have nothing on the smell at times.

And then tonight there was Isaac having to "go" #2 and Clayton taking him hoping to find a western toilet in Pizza Hut. As Isaac was squatting he says "Dad I just can't do this!"

Me, oh my... I will never complain about public restrooms in the States again... we are talking gas stations are sanitary compared to what we've had to do this week!

1 comment:

Juley said...

The bathrooms in China are definitely something I am not looking forward to seeing again! Unbelievable. Never seen anything like them. And the smell...Thanks for the great reminder of what we have to look forward to :)
Hope everything else is going great with your little man!!