Thursday, February 9, 2012

Our latest drama AND travel plans!!

The fun stuff first...

We leave February 21st and get home on March 8th! We will make Micah part of our family and meet him for the first time on February 26th or 27th. Whoo Hoo!! So happy to finally be so close!

This is how excited Isaac is... (Hopefully that will soon change) He says he is most excited about the plan ride... surely by the time we get home his favorite part will NOT be the LONG plane ride. I know mine won't be.
Our newest drama...

Yup... never a dull moment around here. THANKFULLY Grace's arm is actually NOT broken but the doctor thinks she has a bone bruise given the length of annoying pain and off and on relief after resting it in a sling. So she wanted her to have a cast for 2 weeks and we all settled for 10 days since we leave in 11 days. Praying and thinking that this is the needed solution for longer term relief.

Finally a picture of little man's hearing aides (his newest toys)...
We won't talk about the fact that he is still in his jammies at noon! ;) We all have finished school for the day though so that is an accomplishment worth noting!

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