Thursday, February 23, 2012

Green Lake

We went to Walmart today and enjoyed some market Chinese food while Isaac ate KFC. At Walmart Isaac got to see chicken feet on sale nonetheless and in every flavor one could imagine.
We also enjoyed a boat ride on the lake and loved watching these sea gulls that are famous in Kunming. My understanding is that they migrate through here this time of year and all the locals love it! There were literally thousands of them.

Isaac also enjoyed watching all the tai chi and other exercising that happens in the parks in China. It's so fun for us to watch too!

We also ate at The Wicker Basket and met a family of 5 that have lived here for 7 years. The milkshakes were wonderful but pizza not so much.

Tomorrow we go to Dali to visit some friends. One of which we met last summer. They have a cafe there that they use to teach English in and share the Good News. We'll come back Saturday and then at 4:30 on Sunday we meet Micah!

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