Sunday, February 12, 2012


Lots of incredible things going on here lately!

The most exciting is that it looks like we'll be able to meet Micah Zhi Zhou on Sunday, February 26th instead of Monday, February 27th!! I know that doesn't sound huge to you BUT it is!

First of all, the CWI where he is from is not exactly known for being the most flexible and helpful and caring toward children. That I know of only 1 other family in about 5 years has been able to meet their child at their hotel and not the government office on Sunday nonetheless.

I've never been able to meet one of our kids that way but I can tell you ANYTHING has to be better than some sterile government office with tons of people around!

At the hotel just seems so much more relaxed and less stressful than meeting your screaming toddler who has never seen a white person or heard another language, them being thrust in your arms, told this is your mama and baba, and then 5 minutes later those same shell-shocked parents being asked to hold this screaming, scared toddler while filling out paperwork claiming this baby as your own.

Words just can't describe what a whirl wind, highly emotional tim it is. Maybe now you can see just a little bit why I am so excited that God is orchestrating these events. And when I say it is God orchestrated IT IS!!!

We have been emailing the person who coordinates travel in China for our agency and he could do nothing else for us the entire trip and I'd think he's awesome for getting this for us! Now it hasn't happened yet so I'm not going to totally get my hopes up... who am I kidding my hopes are sky high right now.

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! amen." Ephesians 3:20-21

The other thing that is amazing around here is the piles and piles of stuff to take and pack for 8 different people going to 4 different places for 16 days. My, oh my!!

Then all the coming and going that is going to take place is making me wake up every morning anywhere between 4 and 6a.m. to write lists for my lists of things that need to be done or bought. It's crazy exciting I tell ya!!

Maybe the getting up between 4 and 6a.m. from now till we leave will help with jet lag. Jet lag and leaving 4 kids behind are the only things I am not looking forward to! Melatonin will help with the jet lag but there's not a whole lot that can help with missing the kids not with us :(

Better go write more lists for my lists of piles that are accumulating!

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