Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday in Kunming

Today was a free day so we just burned time walking around and doing our time at the park. Waiting goes by slow without plans here. We did find a great place to buy jiao zi (dumplings). They are really yummy and were only 5RMB for 8 of them. Everyone but Isaac liked them.

Isaac is doing much better after a good nights sleep. We also ALL had a nap today so that was wonderful for everyone. We also took a trip to WalMart and Isaac found legos that he is now working on in the bathroom. When you have a 2 year old brother that doesn't understand your language and your in a small hotel room you do what you have to do!

AND as you can see by the pictures carrying 28lbs of 2 year old has gotten old when you walk everywhere. We bought a stroller... as long as Micah has food and a drink everyone seems to be very happy with the purchase. Never say never... I said I'd carry him in the carrier for attachment purposes... well when he doesn't like the carrier on our backs and in the front is uncomfortable it just isn't worth it. He seems to be attaching normally at the moment so we're all happy.

We also went to McDonald's and DQ today! The picture of the kids and I is at McDonald's. Isaac ate 2 cheeseburgers, he was quite happy.

The picture of everyone pointing to the sign is a road named Zheng Yi which is our friend's name so we took the picture for her.

Please also pray for our kids at home. We are reaching the half way mark and it gets hard for everyone! Thanks so much... your prayers mean so much to us!

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