Thursday, March 15, 2012


We have almost survived the first week home. And that is saying something for sure! We are doing well... all of us!
I will say this though. I've had a few people ask me, "So, is he adjusted now?" REALLY??!!!

What I say, "For 2 days or 1 week or 5 days home, yes, he is doing well."

What I want to say, "Well, let me take your 2 year old from all they've every known and drop them in China with some other family and see how they are doing!"

I'll just leave that one there.

We are doing amazingly well all things considered. Those things are just getting home, recovering from jet lag, 5 dr. appts and a surgery tomorrow.

Micah is learning survivor English and is a quick learner. He is just beginning to figure out his boundaries at home. We took him out and about WAY too soon and caused a few meltdowns... for him as well as me ;)

But we are slow learners but at least we learned our lesson. We cut out almost everything and for things we will continue one of us will stay home with he and Josh. Joshua will be on a no activity restriction for a month after surgery tomorrow so in some ways Micah's adjustment and his surgery work out well together. In other ways they do not. Such as today at the eye doctor both boys wanted to be carried so I had one on each hip. So that totalled close to 70 pounds! No wonder my back has been bothering me :)

We've gotten somewhat of a handle on Micah's leg and what needs to be done. It is bent and not broken so it can wait until he can tolerate the surgery and recovery. Recovery involved a rod and external fibulator for about 4-6 months so not something you want to put a newly home 2 1/2 year old through (or any 2 year old for that matter).

He gets fitted for a leg brace on Tuesday that he'll wear all the time. It'll hopefully help protect his leg from breaking and give him some lift on that leg to make his legs more even until surgery to straighten it.

All in all a good week. We had our moments in dr. offices... like when Isaac and Faith were blowing up latex gloves and then filling them with water. All this while the dr. was talking to me about treatment for Micah.

We've had lots of funny moments. I've gotten 2 unsolicited "wo ai ni"s (I love you). The girls were telling Micah he was whiny a few mornings ago and he thought they were saying "wo ai ni" so he started saying it too.

Joshua's surgery is at 11:40 tomorrow and he was doing well until we told him about it yesterday. Can't blame him for being nervous. So am I.

God is good and has certainly given us a great week as a family. We are SO grateful for good friends providing us with meals and for watching the kids for us during dr. appts today and surgery tomorrow.

Here are a few miscellaneous pictures of our week. The kids got to participate in a science fair on Tuesday with their co op. Included was a Pinewood Derby race that Isaac and Josh participated in. It was ALOT of fun. You can tell by the photo of Clayton and Micah that this night was also the night we realized anew that taking newly home babies everywhere is NOT ever a good idea. Sorry Micah!

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