Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday in Guangzhou

It is starting to feel like we are just finishing up doing our time here in Guangzhou. We are still enjoying walking around the island BUT time is starting to go by slow. In Dali and Kunming we were so busy time went so fast!

We are seeing so much progress even this soon with Micah. I love it that he cries when he falls down. He'll ask for one of us when under stress most of the time. Now, he still goes to strangers with something he wants WAY too easily but one could expect some family shopping at this point in the game.

He is going to learn English FAST... he loves to communicate. Everyone comments on how verbal he is. I think him sucking his fingers to soothe himself really helps!! Now he wants to take a bath at all hours of the day :) So sweet! He has a smile that'll knock your socks off. Have I mentioned that he has an insanely crazy sweet tooth. We have bought large quantities of candy, suckers, etc. on this trip but you do what you have to do to keep a 2 year old happy while waiting for appts, lunch, dinner, shopping, medical exams, car rides, etc.

Please continue to pray for our adjustment. Last night I was thinking about Joshua loosing his "Youngest therefore the cutest card" and it has the potential of being VERY disastrous. I know God has his back and will work it out for good BUT Grace and Faith you'd better be careful to give Joshie the same attention you give to Zhi Zhou. I told Isaac the same thing and he said "Yay I've lost that card before and it's not so bad". LOL!

I'm thinking that we're going to do a variation of another adoptive mommy and let the kids take turns staying up by themselves an hour later than their siblings each night. We'll just rotate through nights after we get over going to bed at 8pm and getting up around 4am ;) Ahhh.... melatonin how I love thee but I love sleeping through the night on my own much better ;)

The picture of the Sprite bottle in the shower is Isaac's "experiment" with mentos and Sprite!

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