Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Clayton and the kids (and Yi) made some cookies for some of our neighbors last night. We are all excited about delivering them tonight.

Where was I you might ask? Well, because of the events of the first few weeks of December I was needing a mental health day. A friend and I went out to eat and Christmas shopping. I am feeling much better because of it, thank you!!
Today was our last day of school for a week. WHOO HOO! I am certain I am more excited than the kids. If anyone needs me next week I'll be on my couch in my PJ's.

We needed to finish up a few things which is why we had school last week. Here is one of them. We finished our study on marine life and each of the kids made an ocean box. They had a blast and they turned out awesome!!

 Grace's isn't quite finished yet so I don't have a picture of hers but here is a dolphin she made out of clay. It still has to be painted.

Isaac wanted to show his nasty hands from playing in the clay.

I hope everyone has a Jesus filled Christmas! God Bless!

Oh and by the way it is looking like Feb. 15th or 16th (ish) for China. PTL!! Our NVC letter will be dropped off Tuesday, Lord willing, then our Article 5 two weeks after that, THEN travel approval about 2 or 3 weeks after that!!! A HUGE WHOO HOOO!!

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