Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day1 Almost Done

Surgery went well. It lasted a little over 3 hours. After Joshie finally rested and got comfortable in the recovery room we came to our room. Minus one episode with being inconsolable things have gone well. They seem to be staying on top of his pain which is good. I am ready for tomorrow when he will be more and more himself.

Grace is doing well. She just has to leave the room when he is inconsolable. There is really just nothing like it. The blood oozing from his mouth initially didn't help her stomach either.

Here is the little man on Day 1.

Please pray for good blood flow to his palate. That will be the key to it staying put together and healing intact. The doctor found the muscles very close to the front and they are supposed to be in the back so he attached them correctly and moved the palate back about 10mm. That is alot to me! The doctor also found that some of Josh's soft palate was not attached at all so he fixed that. Pray the holes that he closed that were causing nasal regurgitation will stay closed and Joshie will be able to use his new palate to help with speech.

The ENT did find some disturbing things that need to be addressed but honestly I just can't think about that right now so we'll deal with that after Josh heals a bit more.

We love you all and SO appreciate your prayers. Keep praying. They are being answered and certainly God's peace is being felt by Josh and us!


Pitch Adder said...

I'm really glad he's doing good!! I'll be praying for him! I miss him being in me and my mom's Sunday School class! Love you guys!

Rachel said...

I'll be keeping him and your whole family in my prayers!