Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Jesus' Birth

Our youngest three kids are studying Jesus' birth this week. Yesterday we talked about Mary and Joseph's response to God when Gabriel came to tell them about Jesus being born. Complete obedience and willingness to allow God to work in them to accomplish His purposes for all the world. AMAZING!

Then this morning I am almost finished with reading through the minor prophets so I skipped ahead to Luke. These verses God showed me anew today. I just love God's Word!

Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the Word.- Luke 1:1,2

I am always in awe of the history found in God's Word proving it's authenticity. The fact that God led people to write down what they saw and experienced is awesome. Now we get to pass it down to the next generations.

Then I read anew when Gabriel appeared to Zechariah. When he said who he was he said I stand in the presence of God. Really, can you imagine standing in God's presence?!! Can't wait!

And of course in chapter 1 of Luke is Nothing is impossible with God. Love, love, love that we serve and love a God who creates everything out of nothing and can do absolutely anything!

Our little guy is doing better every day. His attitude and ability to handle life is coming around. He is still mostly happy with his food choices and is liking the fact that he has some soft, little cakes that no one else is allowed to eat.

We think his mouth is healing nicely. There are some white looking spots in the top of his mouth that we hope are just scabs. In the back last night we saw his palate move up and down making it look kinds like a crater... either that is really good because it's moving or really back because a hole is developing. Sometimes we think his speech sounds better already and other times it seems about the same so only time will tell.

Regardless, we are glad the hardest part seems to be behind him. Surgery for his ear is most likely going to be scheduled for late February. It doesn't sound like it'll be as hard of a surgery on him. Just having to restrict activity for 4 weeks... 5 year old boy, no rough playing or running around... sounds easy to me... yeah right!!!

Either way we are just glad he won't have any food restrictions and people say it is less painful than having tonsils removed so for that we will be grateful!

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