Monday, March 14, 2011

Science Experiments

Yi's friend Xiao Xiou is a PhD student at UGA. He does experiments on mice. So since we are studying the human body this year we asked him to bring one for us to cut open and examime. This is obviously not my thing. Yi and I stood out of the way, then cleaned the kitchen table very well! Here are some pictures of the madness...

Gotta get the dog in here too!
Grace and Joy had their first tennis match Sunday afternoon and both LOVED it.  I forgot my camera but will try to remember next week. I was busy keeping score and coaching so I wouldn't have had time to use it anyway. There are 7 kids on the team and they all have come so far in just a month. They will learn so quickly and hopefully soon I can just sit and watch! Here is an after the fact picture of the three of us!

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