Thursday, March 3, 2011

Beauty School

Yup, I cut my boys' hair myself usually. AND they hate it. They don't like the feeling of hair on their backs, it's itchy they say. So I always put it off. Today I decided that doing it outside and offering them lots of candy might help with the drama... it didn't. But we persevered and it's done.... they don't look to tormented do they?!
Yes, Joy participated too. Her hair had gotten so long. So long that she just can't take care of it and she wants to do it all by herself. I promised I would only cut a little off. You see she wants to grow it to the floor, hmmm. I hope she grows out of that desire!

A poem I ran across again today when I was reading about a family that just adopted from the orphanage Joshua is from:

Every call has a beginning…

A quiet moment when God whispers a promise to a mother’s heart

A holy place where a father bows and faithfully accepts the journey set before him.

A miraculous morning that unexpectedly dawns…

Casting its first light on a chosen threshold.

A gentle knock… a closed door opens.

A sacred invitation sent by the Father…

Leads to the other side of the world.

Where lonely hearts stare out orphanage windows

Praying for someone to care.

And then one morning…

On an ordinary day

An orphan’s life changes…

God sends them a second chance…

Through you!

As I get to talk with friends on their adoption journeys and volunteer for An Orphan's Wish I am constantly reminded of how much I have changed since starting the process to adopt Joshua. Clean bathrooms, dishes, perfectly painted walls, decorations just don't mean much to me anymore. Money is merely green paper. God, His Word, His plan for my life, people, people in need of a Savior, people in need of Hope those things mean everything!

I'm so glad God accepts us as we are but is constantly changing and molding His children. I am forever grateful to be His child and thankful for the changes He has made and continues to make in my heart.

This poem constantly rings true for me. Though sometimes I'd like to stick my head in the sand, I know I can't and wouldn't really never want to. It seems like everywhere in God's Word talks about caring for those who have no voice, those that have no hope and are oppressed:
Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do everything changes.

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