Monday, January 16, 2012

The Sleep Over

This weekend the girls were away at a birthday party so the boys asked to have a friend spend the night. It was SO cute. They slept in the living room with MeiLi... I slept on the couch since Josh was so excited he couldn't go to sleep.

AND by the way Isaac's lizard is doing much better. He's eating. We won't talk about the fact that his food of choice is cockroaches. Yes, we are actually buying cockroaches and keeping them in a container to feed to my Isaac's reptile baby. If there was ever a question that I have lost my mind this validates the concern. Every time we put the food in the tank I think to myself "we would sure have a problem if these things got loose in the house and started reproducing". Nonetheless I'm certainly glad God answered the prayers of one 7 year old boy and his mama.

On Saturday afternoon the girls and I went shopping for Micah for a few things we were missing. We got some great deals and now have a large pile of clothes to take to China with us.
WHOO HOO! Theoretically we could get our travel approval this week, not likely, but possible. If not we'll have to wait until everyone in China comes back to work after the Chinese New Year. That'll be the week of January 30th. Regardless, we are close!

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