Friday, January 13, 2012

Getting Excited

It seems that each time I go to the store I think of something I could get for Micah.

I bought his laundry basket for our laundry room.
Then some diapers and a blanket to take with us to China. I looked at a few other things like cute little boy gloves but decided to get them in China. He'd like the characters there more than here and would enjoy picking them out I'm sure.
Now I'm just trying to refrain from starting to pack his bag ;)

We've been enjoying school this week. I think the first week most of us were just in shock still from having to get started back. It seems I enjoy breaks TOO much. I like not having any routine but I have 5 (almost 6) kids so that just won't work to shoot from the hip all the time. Thus we'll embrace the structure that starting school brings.

We started a new science unit on flying creatures. The kids split into teams and went on a scavenger hunt.

Tomorrow we are going to make a bird feeder out of a 2 liter bottle.

We are also spending our time nursing our gecko lizards back to health. I now call them my reptile babies. Who would have thought they would be so finicky. It seems that Isaac's lizard was being bullied by Joshie's lizard so we had to divide their tank and pray that Isaac's lizard (Mask) would start eating. So here I am in the midst of everything else every morning and evening counting crickets on each side of the cage and looking at lizard tails to see if they are beefing up. Who would have known that the way a lizard's tail looks is how to tell if it is healthy or not!

The joy of having boys! The boys are really sweet with their lizards though and it would break their hearts to have something happen to them (especially this boy's heart).

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