Friday, January 6, 2012

Every day is NOT Friday

Having a child with medical and emotional needs that are more than the "average" child is most definitely the hardest thing I have ever done.

A few days ago I spent about an hour or so trying to set up appointments for Micah and Josh when we are hoping to be home from China in March. One would think that calling to set up appointments wouldn't be SO time consuming but I have learned differently. By the time I got off the phone the kids were going crazy, ferrets were running loose, and "someone" was hungry (actually I think he said STARVING!!).

The two boys' eye doctor appointments and Micah's orthopedic appointments are on the same day which is a blessing and a curse as they are in Atlanta. The curse part is driving an hour back and forth, then sitting in the waiting room and offices for 3+ hours with one very impatient little boy and 1 culture shocked little boy that doesn't speak the same language as me. Praying for some God ideas for entertainment and comfort for that time.

These appointments also land the day before Joshua's ear surgery. Crazy I know but have to be done, yes.

Feeling a bit like I teeter between swimming on the bottom of a pool and can just barely get up for air, then am able to tread water with my face barely above the surface for awhile, then back down I go.

Then Wednesday night Josh thought he was going to win an award at church based on what he had been working toward. Well, another little boy said more verses than him so he didn't.

Let me just tell you as his crocodile tears were falling mine were welling up inside too. It took every ounce of energy I could muster to remain positive, telling him things like next time maybe you can get it with Isaac (he's working toward the award too... only life comes easy for Isaac... he's athletic, school is easy... he just has more successes). I can feel like the poor child can just never get a break... But there is always a reason. I keep thinking that maybe God is trying to teach Josh perseverance since everything seems like an uphill climb for him.

Last weekend we went to a birthday party for a little boy that is Josh's age that we go to church with. The little boy has been diagnosed with autism and it was so fun to watch him interact with those that he loves and that love him. As his dad prayed before we ate I was so moved.

I remain convinced and convicted that one of the many things that God is teaching me through getting to have Josh as my son is to be content where he is at and where I am at. I think I spend so much time trying to move him forward emotionally and physically I forget to just be happy he is where he is.

If he never speaks any clearer than he does now so what?!! If he can't ever handle not knowing where his next meal is so what?!! If he can't ever handle be seperated from us so what?!!

I'm trying to devise a plan to just enjoy the seasons of constant doctor's offices and hospitals. I think one of them God is leading me to is cutting down our school workload drastically in March. Maybe 3 days a week just a few subjects. Not sure yet but convinced that He is more concerned with us meshing as a family than how much math we do.

SO back to the title of this post.... every day is NOT Friday except for when we get to heaven. AND then every day will be much better than Friday. And when we are in the actual trenches of life we get to see how God picks up the broken pieces of life. It is rarely a short term quick fix either... God has our back and good planned for us and He is also patient and long suffering. He seems to want to create those characteristics in us too.

I guess parts of me envy those that can keep themselves out of those trenches and other parts of me are grateful for the lessons God teaches me in the messy, hospitals, doctors offices of life. I certainly wouldn't be as dependent for Him without this craziness and being utterly, desperately, dependant on Him is what makes everyday good not promises of a life that can only be filled in Glory.

I wonder what those imprisoned for the Faith think about the phrase "Every day is Friday"?!! Hmmm.... His Word seems clear a Follower of Jesus' best life is in Heaven not here on earth. Now on to enjoying the journey of becoming more like Him today... as hard yet fulfilling as that might be!

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