Friday, January 27, 2012

God's People

As we await Travel Approval we've been figuring out where all the money to travel will come from and I really stand amazed. This morning I realized that we've adopted 3 times in 4 years.

Y'all that is a lot of money... I'm not sure if this is okay or not but it's the truth. Especially for a 1 income family of 5, then 6, then 7 members. A family that has 2 children with medical conditions and 1 of those children ALWAYS meets his deductible ;) Of the other 4 children 1 of them ALWAYS meets their deductible as well just because they are active kids.

All this to say I really can't believe we don't have extreme debt in adopting 3 times in 4 years. Only God could have made it possible!

As I was asking other families this morning that have traveled recently what their travel expenses were like I was looking at what we have left in grant money and adoption tax refunds from last year. It all seems to be matching... what we'll owe verses what we'll have that is.

Try to remember that we also traveled to Boston 3 times last year for medical appointments and surgery. We have one more medical bill to pay on that and then it is paid off.

Again, I'm just saying all this to show that ONLY God could make it so we won't have any debt when it is all said and done for this adoption also.

As I have been thanking the Lord for his CONSTANT provisions today Grace comes in with the mail. One letter- from my aunt and uncle. It included a very sweet note and generous gift for our travel expenses. God is so incredibly good and faithful.

As I think about all those who have contributed by giving Clayton jobs, supporting our Both Hands project, and donating toward our grants I am amazed at the global church.

I probably think way too often about how The Church needs to be caring for those in need and not often enough about how God's people DO come together to help one sweet child come home. We are so blessed by God's people, family, friends, acquaintances, and some we don't know. I wonder if those that gave that don't know us will meet Micah in heaven and be a part of his story! 

Thank you to everyone who is helping us make one less orphan!

This is the kids making supper for me last week. It was pancakes and toast :) The boys were in charge of the toast. Missing in action is Joy... she opted out of helping which is funny because usually she LOVES to help.

This is a group of settlers that saw "something" in the woods. They came in got their weapons and went to the fort!
Yes, we live in the south... 
Also, please continue praying for my grandma. She is in rehab but had a bad night and is not feeling well today. Thanks!

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