Saturday, May 29, 2010

My Amazing Daughter's Birthday!

I love my kids' birthdays! Every one of them. Clayton and I enjoy reminiscing about the day they were born... pregnancies, waiting, etc. We have memories of those first moments with those children that were physically born to us.

Our children born in our hearts are no different just with different memories. I think a lot about their first moments of life and wonder. Today I am wondering about Joy Wenqian. She was a few days old when she was brought to Guilin SWI so I wonder what her birthparents named her, what they are thinking today, whose eyes she has. As I painted her toes today I noticed that a few of her toes have a unique long look to them... who did she get that trait from? I know beyond a shadow of a doubt they love her because I love her. I don't like living with so many unanswered questions and I know she won't because already I see that she is that kind of girl. I also know that God has given her an amazing, remarkable spirit and understanding of the world around her. I know that the heartache that comes with living the life she has lived she will walk with grace. And as her mama I am priveledged to walk through this life with her.

She got her ears pierced for her birthday yesterday, went swimming, and we took her to our new favorite Chinese buffet. The people were so sweet and sang Happy Birthday to her and then started asking her questions in Chinese, of course. At some points she would look at me like please rescue me so I'd speak up and start talking to them to take the pressure off her. They were asking about us and I think she just wanted us to reassure them and her that we were in fact her family and she was in fact our daughter. That we were the blessed ones to have her instead of having to hear for the millionth time how lucky she was that we adopted her and that she was in America! After the talking she ate some cake and looked at me and said "Wo ai ni." I love you. Now she has said that before but after we say it to her.

It is just a gentle reminder how my very brave, tough, incredible, adaptive little girl needs some truth about how special she is to us and to her Creator! After all she picked out the best party theme for herself for her party today... princesses... because after all she is one! She is loving her earrings, her cake, her plates, her tiara! I'll have to post pictures of it all later.

I know I've written this before but we are so blessed to have our new daughter with us for her birthday! We may not know a ton about her first 9 years of life but we certainly won't be missing the rest of it!

There are so many people that have had an impact on her life. I wish her foster parents and grandmother could be here today to share it with her. I'd love to thank in person those that helped her receive her surgeries in China that literally saved her life. I really wish that her birthparents could be here and see Joy Wenqian. We have so much to thank them for... they gave our little girl life on this day nine years ago and we'll forever be grateful to God for them and for her.

1 comment:

Faye said...

That's really beautiful. And I agree, we never really know how lucky WE are! :)