Friday, May 7, 2010

Arrived in Beijing and now getting ready for re-entry

We arrived safely in Beijing on Thursday night very late. Our flight was delayed due to bad weather and it was one of the more turbulent flights I’ve been on. Unfortunately Grace seems to have some motion sickness and of all the medicines I did bring Dramamine is not one of them. She is not looking forward to the flight home but everyone is ready for their own beds. Even Joy got excited looking at pictures of her bed at home in the States.


We went to the Great Wall today and all of the girls really enjoyed themselves. I think we planned too much for the day because we were all EXHAUSTED and grumpy by the end of it but I’m glad we did the Great Wall first. They were running up the wall and wanting to go farther and farther up. Our guide took us to see the Silk Factory and Enamel Painting Factory. They made some beautiful things for sure but not quite in our price range except for a few Christmas ornaments and a glasses case for Grace that is really pretty. We also drove around Tiananmen Square and even fit in some much wanted swimming before bed. Wow… I’m tired just typing it all. Our guide did a great job explaining everything to all the girls and Joy Wenqian listened very intently when she’d explain in Chinese.


Joy Wenqian is still doing very well. Although I think she is in need of some consistency and not all this hotel hopping too. She got excited today when she realized she has 4 cats and a dog at home waiting for her. She said she’d like the orange one best… that’s my girl!


Please continue to pray for us as we travel over the next 2 days and as we become a new family of seven soon. We leave Saturday at 3:45pm China time and arrive in Atlanta, Lord willing, at 10:30pm Saturday night GA time. Thank you for all your prayers thus far and for your help.


Not long now Isaac and Joshua. We love you. Keep praying for us and we can’t wait to hug and kiss you ourselves. Love, Mommy and Daddy

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