Sunday, April 25, 2010

Arrived and rested!

We are enjoying being in Nanning. We slept until 11am so we ate lunch at a nearby restaurant. It was kind of like a buffet…. It had pictures and you carry around your card and the cooks right down your order. It was good for the girls to have choices. But they didn’t like the western fried rice so they ate French fries and Faith liked some noodles that were in my soup. The picture I attached of the girls at the restaurant probably doesn’t show the looks on their faces well enough but in the restaurant they had definite signs of culture shock!!


We went to a wonderful park this afternoon. The girls played on these hamster ball things that float in the water. Just don’t look mom… my stomach hurt the whole time they were riding but they thought it was awesome!


We seem to be the only Americans in the city… at least that we’ve seen. We went to the grocery store near the hotel and it had lots of options. The girls found some snacks that we had brought home with Joshua so they are eating those and some Orange soda and Sprite. I think they are going to survive on Ramen noodles.


We love you Joshua and Isaac and can’t wait to see you on Skype Sunday! We know you are having fun with Nana and Papa!


nikimac said...

Hello....Glad you all got some rest. Praying

Tricia said...

I am glad you made it to Nanning. You will soon be meeting Joy for the first time! I will be thinking about you and your family!

Charlotte Cornett said...

Glad you are all doing well! We are praying for you all!

Love your Hopewell Family!!

Sara said...

Those balls look very fun, I bet the girls had a blast! :)