On Monday we got a tour of the House of Love. Then we observed and helped in the Kindergarten level class. They have that class plus an elementary level class in the House of Love. We were to help the Kindergarten teacher learn how to teach the kids through playing and being active.
We started building a relationship with the teacher on Monday and quickly realized that she indeed wanted to learn a new way of teaching. We started interacting with the kids in class. It was such a surreal experience for me to physically get to see kids I had prayed for and advocated for. I am forever grateful for the opportunity and amazed at how God worked out every single detail to get us there.
After lunch Joy went into the elementary and started talking with two of the older children at the House of Love.
They get an English lesson once a week and I was very impressed with their English skills. I was also very impressed with my daughter's Mandarin skill. That has been harder than I expected to keep up but I am so glad we have.
Elizabeth was able to spend a lot of time in the club foot unit while Willette and I were with the class and the teacher. She has her eye on a few of those sweeties for sure!! Monday night she hit her mom up pretty hard on the adoption topic. It was nice just to sit back and let someone else do the work for once! ;)
In the afternoon we started unpacking and organizing all the stuff we brought in between talking with the kids. I am still amazed at how the adoption community and our church provided. 

Monday night we got to see Joy’s foster family again. We met them at a restaurant and had a lovely meal. It was at this meal that Joy shared the gospel with her Nai Nai and China mom. She did an amazing job and even answered their questions and was unwavering when they didn't respond with great enthusiasm.
It was at this meal that I discovered peanut milk. Sounds nasty I know but it was like eating a peanut butter sandwich with milk only without the effort of making the sandwich! It is on my list for the next time I go to the Chinese market here!
After dinner we went shopping at the market outside our hotel.
These cute little girls were just sitting outside their parents' store and we thought they were adorable!
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