Friday, November 18, 2011

Pigs, pirates, and cool kids

As I was baking some things for the weekend I was listening to Grace and Faith play Christmas songs on their violin and guitar. I started thinking about the grafting of our family through adoption again. A week or so ago Faith and Joy were talking about how they were best friends... Joy then said with a giggle, "And we fight sometimes." They both laughed. It was so sweet and is so fun to see the grafting process. Okay... well it's not so fun to feel the growing pains but the end results are amazing. All that to say... I have some insanely, incredible kids. For which I am VERY grateful.

One recent birthday girl LOVES pigs. The last 3 birthdays have had pigs in the theme.
Then one baby of mine is now a pirate for 6 hours a day. Much to his mama and his disappointment his patch wearing was upped to 6 hours a day instead of 3. (Loud groan and whining inserted here) But I guess if it must be-you'd might as well color on the thing and walk around saying "Arg" with a dart gun in your hand.

1 comment:

Chris said...

yes, the grafting process is a wonderful thing to be a part of!!!

My girls have become BF's too!! (with some arguing thrown in as well)
