Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snow Again?!

In North Georgia we woke up to about a half inch of snow... crazy isn't it?! At least we aren't snowed in this time.

Grace has been reading a book about missionaries in the Yukon Valley, Alaska. Let's just say I am glad to live in the south.

It was fun for the kids to play in a little snow while it warmed up! Since I am a mean mom and do NOT want to be doing any schoolwork this summer they had to finish 3 subjects of school then they could go play outside. It'll make for a longer school day but I enjoyed a few hours of peace and quiet (okay maybe a few minutes, Joshie came in about 30 minutes after going outside!) He's not much into the cold or snow.

And it's almost all melted... Yay, I'm ready for spring!!

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