Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Devotion I Read Today Worth Sharing...

Seeing the Invisible

Every child of God who walks in the power of the Holy Spirit is "freed up" to enjoy incredible release from the things that would otherwise hold us in bondage. What great liberty! "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" (2 Cor. 3:17).

Liberty is another word for freedom. Freedom from what? Freedom from constraint and from fear. Freedom from tedious perfectionism. Freedom from a confining, boring, predictable life. Freedom from relational bondage. Freedom from addictions. Freedom to be, to do, to become. Such freedom comes from simply having the Spirit and allowing Him to fill us. It is a quiet, gentle release from all that binds us so that we can be whole, completely authentic ... When in grief, we are free to cry. When experiencing joy, we are free to laugh. Authenticity flows freely and easily...

The metaphor Scripture uses is that the Spirit is like wind. You can't see it but you see its work (John 3:8) ... So, then, you may ask, "What is realistic to expect of the Christian life. How can I see this power at work?" ... Numerous things come to mind...

I have immediate access to the Father through prayer...

I have the capacity to bear fruit daily, continually, routinely...

I possess at least one (sometimes more than one) spiritual gift...

I love and need other people...

I continue to learn and grow in maturity...

I depend on and trust in my Lord for daily strength and provisions...

I live in anticipation of Christ's return.

Embraced by the Spirit: The Untold Blessings of Intimacy with God -by Charles R. Swindoll

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