Monday, July 2, 2012

Little Joshie is doing well!

We are glad to have the first few days of recovery behind us. Josh is doing well. Has his moments of driving us nutty because he wants to play rough, jump off furniture, hop down stairs. He has even decided that he likes swimming now that he can't for a month ;) We are doing better this go around and not watching so much TV or playing electronics. He may even know all his letter names and sounds by the end of the month if we keep at it!

We are also enjoying the fact that it's made us slow down a bit. We are working through some things that had risen in our kids with the high stress level of our house over the last few months. You know things like kindness, sharing, compromising... those basics that quickly get pushed aside when everyone is just trying to survive. I can finally see some benefits to this surgery for our family. Now I just plead with the Lord to keep Josh's eardrum intact so we don't have to do the "lay low for a month" thing again for the next ear surgery!

And guess who got brave enough to swim with his life jacket. Yup... Micah! He didn't believe us that it'd hold him above water for the longest time. Now he's a little fish- loves the pool- I love the pool- it wears him out which is hard to do!

And guess who found a great, cheap play yard for Micah yesterday. Guess who is counting the days before it arrives... that's right. Little M's parents! Sanity here we come. I know it is normal for newly internationally adopted children to not know how to play with toys but when you sit down with the dude to "play with" him it's like pulling teeth to get him to actually sit with you! I'm hoping when it is just him and his toys in his play yard with an occasional sibling who thinks it's cool the first few days it'll really help. Really y'all it's not just "normal" 2/3 year old behavior. I've had a few 2 and 3 year olds in my day and this is madness, like loose your sanity craziness.

Anyway, we are praying this will help set some smaller boundaries for him and give him fewer choices. I do think he still gets on overload quite often so maybe I'm right.

We shall see hopefully in a few days! Josh has his 1 week post op visit on Thursday, then we get to take a bath and start applying ointment to remove the tape on his stitches. He's ready to sleep in his own bed but I'm not quite ready for it yet. He is still in pain at times and I like to be right there when he starts tossing and turning.

Tomorrow we'll celebrate the 4th at home with my parents. It should be fun just to have a low key night at home with the red-neck fireworks they bought!! We are going to be "those" people making a racket in the neighborhood I think. Maybe I'll get some pictures tomorrow. I do have some of Micah swimming but they'll have to wait, I'm too lazy to upload them tonight.

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