Friday, July 27, 2012

St. Louis

Last night we went to the Arch and everyone enjoyed it. Even though our oldest child one of our children was extremely nervous. The rest didn't know any better ; ) Micah did say to Clayton on the way up "Man Dian, Man Dian" which means slow in Mandarin.

Yesterday we got to St. Louis and after checking out our campground in Urban St. Louis with no grass to speak of we decided to go ahead and do some sightseeing. After today, Friday, at Forest Park I am very glad we did. We wanted to see the Turtle Park, Zoo, and Science Center but due to the fact that we bring along 6 kids and it was 97 degrees we only made it to the first 2 things. We did, however, have a very fun afternoon and evening swimming and eating dinner at the pool. Since there is no room to eat outside at the campground. ;) I guess they figure people are out and about all day and don't need much space at the campground. It should be noted that we are the only people with kids staying here.

Tomorrow we go to my Aunt's house after stopping by the Lincoln museum in Springfield so wide open spaces are in our near future kids!

Here are pictures of the Turtle Park and Zoo.

 This was the craziest thing. We had just had icees so the sugar was high on Josh's face. We all turn around and this butterfly had landed on his lip. He was just standing there perfectly still grinning. It stayed there for quite some time and after it had it's fill of red dye sugar it left.

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