Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Name

After wrestling with names for a few weeks, Guan Zhi Zhou finally has a name that all most of us like.

"Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of His inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy." -Micah 7:18

Yup... his official name will be Micah Ray Zhi Zhou Dinn- meaning Who is like God?

We decided the only way to decide was a vote. It was between Samuel, Luke, and Micah. The middle name was going to be Ray for Clayton's middle name. All of our kiddos have family middle names and really what do you think of when you say Luke Ray... country music singer. First of all I am NOT a big country music fan and second of all what Asian child wants a hillbilly name!

So it was really down to 2... and the vote was close 4-3!

So now we have to get used to calling him Micah. The problem isn't that we really called him Samuel. We called him Zhi Zhou more than Samuel. The problem is that we only know one other Micah so it's him that we think of every time we say the name. As soon as we meet our Micah we know that will change.

Which will hopefully be soon because not getting our LOA is absolutely driving me nuts!!

The longer we go on the more likely February in China is looking instead of January since China takes 2 weeks off of work in January for the Chinese New Year.... bummer!

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