Sunday, October 9, 2011


This is Harry or Harrietta... Yi brought him home for the kids. He or she was a big hit until bed time. No one wants him in their room because "he looks like a scary monsterk!" Can't say I blame them but he's not going in my room either!

We had such a fun night. Clayton, Yi, Grace, and I went to play laser tag and eat at Sweet Monkey's for Grace's birthday. We try to take each of the kids out by themselves to do something they want for their birthdays.... we are a bit behind. Grace's birthday was in June... but better late than never right!

And please pray for us... we are considering a name change for Zhi Zhou yet again. Clayton always liked the name Micah and I never really liked the nickname Sam. Now I am reading the book of Micah and LOVE it so maybe Micah is our cute little guys name :)

For the next few weeks we I reserve the right to change our my mind again. Clayton's pretty easy with names... this ones driving me crazy!

1 comment:

Renee said...

OH! So cute! I like Micah! I like Sam too though ;o)

We are behind on Birthdays too. We have a July one left to officially celebrate. Glad we aren't the only ones!