Saturday, September 17, 2011

This kid needs frequent flyer miles....

to the ER. We had quite a day of it yesterday. The bottom line is he fell off a bike or a skateboard (he can't remember which- as a matter of fact he doesn't remember anything about the mishap), a mild concusion, broken maxillary fixed in surgery, 3 teeth removed under sedation, lots of stitches in the upper gum, and here is what you look like...

Believe it or not I think the swelling has gone down a bit in his lip. His memory is fine except for the actual fall and right before. He had a CT scan and no bleeding and no other broken bones in his face except above his top teeth. Obviously he is still in pain. He's on pain meds and antibiotics and just resting.

We are incredibly grateful for that and even more grateful for an amazing dentist- Dr. Ryan Vaughn at Kids Dentistry in Gainesville. He did the work on Joy's mouth when she first came home. He is INCREDIBLY good with the kids! Without being asked he came to check on Isaac at the ER yesterday and decided that instead of waiting he could do the surgery right there in the ER. I was even in the room... for those of you that really know me, that is really a God thing. I did sit with my head between my legs for most of the procedure. Fortunately there were 3 nurses in the room assisting so they were in my way of seeing.

God is gracious! We are so grateful for the prayers and support of the saints of God. The body of Christ is so wonderful.

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