Josh did disappear for the second dessert we were making. I think this is the first time her and I have had an uninterrupted, just her and I, conversation since she has learned to communicate in English more. I've noticed her English skills have really taken off in the last month. We talked about China and her experiences here, the differences. It was so sweet to hear her talk about her two very different experiences, countries, and families as if they were intertwined. She seemed at peace with her life. When I took the pictures she asked if we could send them to Nai Nai. 
She loves to help. I think it helps her feel like a part of her family. I see signs that she is learning what forever is. Today she asked why I didn't live with Nana and Papa still. I told her that I met Daddy and we got married so now we live together here. She said a few things that made me think that she is starting to realize that her choosing to get married and move away is the only way she is leaving us. So grateful for these times with her and the glimpses of her understanding of forever and family! It was hard not to let her go today but honestly she is still so immature and the Bodies Exhibit or any museum would be hard for her to understand and not just act silly in. I've told her we'll take her when she is a little more mature and I'm grateful God gave us a good day together.
Now on to planning dinner with some friends... Chinese noodles and Orange Chicken with girlfriends!! The guys are away at a Men's Conference so we are going to enjoy brownies, strawberry shortcake, ice cream, and some new Chinese recipes!
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