Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our Camping Trip

We decided at the last minute to take a camping trip the week everyone else in our area started school. It proved to be a really fun and relaxing time. Great way to kick off the school year.... A VACATION! Here are some photos of the fun and then I HAVE TO get on those school plans!

A friend of ours is always so kind to let us borrow the boat but because of the busyness of the summer we haven't used it. So this was a first for Joy and she LOVED it! She really enjoyed tubing, laughed when she fell off, and of course always enjoys swimming! Now she keeps asking when we can go on the boat again.

This was the first year for Isaac to tube also and he had a great time. He is really proud of himself for being brave enough this summer to do both slides at the waterpark, the tube, and the diving board. Lots of first for everyone I guess. Joshua just keeps telling us when he is 5 he will do these things. That seems to be the magic number in his mind!

I'd like to know what Joy is thinking in her profile picture. She looks deep in thought for sure.

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