Thursday, April 29, 2010

Have Horn, Not Afraid to Use It!!!

If you have been to China you know that anyone that has a car should be required to have this bumper sticker on their car. Well we found out today that it is true for boats too!!


We had a fun time on the Li River Cruise. The mountains are absolutely beautiful. Like nothing we have ever seen before. If you have time look at my new shutterfly album and you’ll see them and the caves we visited after the cruise. Clayton was able to share the gospel message with our guide today so please pray for John. He is an atheist and has bought into a lot of the world lies about what makes a person content in this life.


Menqian is still doing amazingly well. She is starting to get more comfortable with us… if being crazy and silly and giggly means more comfortable. She will fit right in with the rest of the family. We think that Grace and Faith have provided a lot of comfort for her. Not as intimidating as us big people. It’s a good thing Grace and Faith go home with us too. Grace and Faith had a much better day and we are going to bed early tonight. We will be traveling by train back to Nanning to get paperwork and Menqian’s passport. Then we will go immediately to Guangzhou by plane so please pray for a safe and fruitful journey. We met a very neat person on the train on the way here Wednesday who was a blessing to us.  We get to spend 6 days there so we will be able to be settled more.


Isaac and Joshua will be with Clayton’s mom this weekend at our home so please pray for his mom and that the boys would be understanding that they will need to leave to go back to my parents’ house. THEN it will only be 5 days until we get home, Lord willing. Thanks again for your prayers! We appreciate all of you so much!


We love you Isaac and Joshua. Have a really fun time with Nene!!!


1 comment:

Gardiner's life said...

Angie, your adoption story is always amazing and inspiring. I cannot wait to meet your daughter when she comes to US>