Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Travel Dates!!

Sorry it took me 3 days instead of 1 to post our plans. True to the nature of adoption it took a little more time. We had to make sure we could get a hotel in Guangzhou during the last part of the Trade Show.

We have our tickets bought and are leaving on Friday, April 23 and will return on Sunday, May 9 (Mother's Day). Our Consulate Appointment is May 4th. As you can see from the photo above I am busying packing... well not really packing it's more like taking inventory. Joy MenQian's bag is packed though and as you can see from the wrapper on the bed so are the M&M's. I have heard that M&M's and Skittles can be used as distractions so we have quite few. After all an 8 year old or anyone else for that matter can't possibly do all her grieving and understanding of her life's journeys in a two week time period anyway so we might as well provide as many distractions (comfort foods and games) as possible. I have fingernail polish, hair bows, travel games, etc. Any other ideas that are cheap and easy to pack are much appreciated!

Please continue to pray for our journey, Joy MenQian's adjustment, trust, and attachment, and the boys with our parents and friends. Thanks for all your support, kind words and emails! We feel very loved and supported in every way.


Tricia said...

I am so excited that you are finally leaving to bring your daugthr home!! YEAH!! I look forward to following your journey in China! We wish we were going with you and not still waitinf for our TA!! Congraulations again!


Lisa said...

Congratulations on your TA! We should be just a few weeks behind you, to adopt out 12-year-old daughter. You mentioned wanting ideas for games... I'm planning on bringing Uno cards (will help learning English names for colors and numbers) and we've also bought a Bop-It game, for pure silliness.

Have fun packing!!

Julie @ Homeschool Hammock said...

I'm so excited for you guys! We will be praying for all the things you've requested prayer for.

Gardiner's life said...

It is a blessing for Joy to have a wonderful parents like you and Clayton.

Julie said...

Congrats! I am so excited for you. I know that you can't wait to see your beautiful daughter. We will remember you in our prayers while you're in China and for Joy's adjustment period over the next few months. Julie Menk

Emily said...

So glad to hear you are able to leave so soon! Wish we were meeting you in Guangzhou, but hopefully we won't be too far behind. Can't wait to follow along on your journey!!! Congrats again!

Jean said...

I am so excited for you! Can't wait to follow your journey!! We are hoping to go at the end of May and get our daughters in Guilin!!

Congrats and blessings to you!