Tuesday, April 10, 2012

He is Risen

A bit late on the posting but we had a good Easter weekend. A lot on the crazy, chaotic side but good nonetheless.

We enjoyed being at church on Good Friday, Stone Mountain on Saturday, and then church and my parents house on Sunday for Easter and my dad's birthday. (No wonder I was stressed out by Sunday night.)

But Monday came along with school starting back up after spring break and it went WELL! Wow, what a difference a week makes. Now it's Tuesday and today was good too. Micah is playing more and more entertaining himself and learning his boundaries at home. Away from home that's another story but we'll take home for starters.

 Easter morning! I'm impressed we got pictures at all but could someone PLEASE teach my almost 6 year old how to smile naturally!

 That's a little better Josh... He's one handsome dude even if he's going through the "Can't smile for pictures phase". I've talked to a few child psychologists this week about what else we can do for his anxiety and they both said... "It's to be expected for him to act that way given how many surgeries he's been through... I even heard the word normal in their take on how he reacts." It's not often I hear that word associated with his experiences so it felt quite good. So we'll keep working more on the role playing and giving him some control in dr. offices.
First picture other than the airport of all of us... So grateful!
Stone Mountain for a day

Celebrating Easter at my parents house.
 Ready, Set, Go...

 Happy Birthday Dad!

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