Friday, December 17, 2010

We are home!

Here is what 10 days of camping looks like....
This picture really didn't do it justice either. I felt like there was laundry in the kitchen cabinets. It actually was in our bathroom, laundry room and corner of the kitchen. UGH... so glad that is done!

Since we didn't do school for 2 weeks now we get to do school during Christmas break. The nice thing is everyone seems ready for some structure. Here is one of the many funny things I see from the boys when I round a corner of our house while the girls and I are doing school. I was told this was a their boat and they were traveling to islands hunting.
This weekend Joy and Faith had a ballet recital. They did great and had a good time, though neither one wants to continue. Faith wants to go back to gymnastics and Joy just wants to try other new things.
Joy has enjoyed many things about this season. She loves the Christmas tree and she also enjoyed a birthday party for Jesus! She even told her Nai Nai about Jesus' birthday when she talked with her yesterday. I try to stay out of the room when they talk because if I'm in the room Joy tries to translate everything. As I walked by her she said something in Chinese and told me she was telling Nai Nai about Jesus. Later I asked what she had told her about Him and she was telling her about Jesus' birthday being Christmas. AWESOME!

This is especially encouraging because after being in Disney she seemed to have stuffitis even more than before. She struggles with being content with what she has and not constantly wanting more. She can pick out a gift for herself and see what one of her sisters has and want theirs too. Par for the course I know but it's nice to see that in spite of all this she is seeing the real reason for Christmas and is learning what is truly important.

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