Friday, January 22, 2010

Waiting, waiting, and more waiting.... Day 64 waiting for our LOA from China!

Well, it's obviously been 64 days since our dossier was logged into CCAA. We were hoping to be on the shorter end of waiting but we are getting close to about average. We just keep hoping for tomorrow, then the next, and now the hope is next week. It's like being a child waiting for Christmas. We are grateful for some more time to get prepared. We have Joy's room and things ready for her. God has provided many extra jobs for adoption expenses. Friends and family have been very generous and it has been so encouraging. My sister has given me TONS of clothes so I have lots of sizes to choose from though from recent pictures of Joy I'm sure I'll be using the small sizes for awhile. We are hoping to get our LOA before the beginning of February so that when we send her a Chinese New Year care package it can include an update on the process. Anyway, I know some of you out there have checked on us recently and wondered where we are in the process. We haven't fallen off the face of the blog world- we are just here WAITING! I do know this- God's timing is perfect, He has proven Himself faithful, and we fully trust that He is working and knows best. This time a year from now I will have forgotten how long a week can be! Meanwhile we try to learn as much Mandarin as our minds can handle and the girls practice what they are going to say to their sister the first time they see her. I know enough to know that I might as well not plan anything because Joy and I's emotions will be running so high it won't go as planned anyway. All the waiting in the world will be worth it on that day!

Here are some fun pictures of the snow we had in Georgia. The kids had a blast but were hoping for a little more. I'm just glad it has warmed up to "normal" Georgia winter temperatures again!

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