Friday, October 23, 2009

You know you're adopting when.....

1. You talk with you husband about a thousand dollars like it's pocket change!

2. You get an update on your soon to be child and the name is slightly different than you thought it was so you aren't sure what your child's real name is!

3. There are photos of a child you claim as and feel is yours all over your home but really you don't know them yet although your heart tells you differently!

4. There are PILES of paperwork in your kitchen (that only you know where everything is in the midst of it... most the time)!

5. Your daughter sees your emails and asks, "Who is Lola (LOA)?" You proceed to go over with her what the different acronyms mean and why others are so excited about them.

6. You get on the scale and realize you've gained a few pounds (ah... the paperwork pregnancy) something had to go in order to get all this done and it seems that exercise was it!

7. You feel like the mailman is Santa Claus and he always wonders why you or one of your kids is waiting in ambush for him at the mailbox!

8. Last but not least you remember all these things from your last adoption but are so grateful to have the opportunity to do them again!!! And you know that just like difficult pregnancies you forget the first time you meet your precious child!!


The Ordinary Horse said...

Angie, catching up on your blog and the photos of Joy on your Shutterfly page. I love all the pictures that you've found. I spent all of Christmas break last year looking thru all the other families' albums finding pictures of Ava. I think I have a picture of Joy from about a year ago. I will scan it and e-mail it. It doesn't look like you already have it. Also, I laughed at your list. I'm home and my "piles" around the kitchen are still there and I can't wait to get rid of them! lol... Thank you for following our journey to Ava in Guilin. Things are going really well. I'm going to send you a separate e-mail about it and w/ the photo. - Sarah

Mary Jane Postiglione said...

I love your list!!! How very true!