Monday, April 20, 2009

Wow! We've been home a year. It has been quite a few weeks... full of emotion! Joshua's first birthday home with us and then remembering our time in China! Here are a few photos....

Easter Morning

Joshua loves Thomas the Train

Joshie (as his siblings call him) at one of his
3 year birthday parties!

Photos like these mean so much to us. When God led us to Joshua we thought "Oh how wonderful... a brother for Isaac". Then they spent most of his first 6 months fighting with each other. But now they are best buds... Joshua idolizes Isaac and Isaac teaches Josh everything. As we have struggled with speech with Josh it is Isaac who is able to get him to mimic sounds the best. It has been determined that Joshua has muscle weakness in his mouth due to his cleft so the next 6 months to a year we will spend in intense speech therapy away from home 3 times a week. Then when we are at home we have strict instructions from the therapist that works on his muscle strengthening and the one that works on his articulation. Lord willing we will be well on track in a year so they predict anyway. We are thankful for God's leading us to these two therapists. Well... home a year and this is the new us!!! Finally thriving for sure!
Grace, Faith, and Isaac are playing softball and T-Ball so our nights are pretty booked. Thankfully that will end in May but they are all having a good time. Josh just wants to play too but not until next year! We are looking forward to doing a lot of camping this summer and Grace is going away to camp for the first time. She is very excited!! Blessings to you all!


HopeHaven said...

Dear Clayton and Angie Dinn,

Thank you so much for your email.

I got your email but I can't send my email to your email address.So I use this way to contact you.Could you use another email address to send us email?Thank you so much,because we want to keep in touch.Now you use address

I am Tom.I started working at Hope Haven from July in 2008.I do the
office job and am in charge of foster program.I will ask my colleagues
about Joshua Xi Wang Dinn.I will let you know more about Joshua.

This email just wants you to know that I got your email and I will
collect more information about Joshua.

Thank you so much for your love and for adopting Joshua.

My job email is

Please keep in touch!

May God bless you abundantly!


Tom Zhou

Hope Haven

March 25, 2009 1:47 AM

Carol said...

Angie, could you please email me? Your email I have is no longer valid.....I think I have a photo of your little boy......I'm at