Now we just wait, recover, restrict activity, then for a few months be "normal", then finally finish up this nightmarish year of surgeries with surgery #4 for his ears and surgery #5 total in a 12 month period (he had his palate redone in Boston in December of 2011). Lord willing he'll finish his surgeries for the cholesteatoma they found in his ears in December of 2012!
Wow... what a year! This surgery has so far been the easiest... shorter... 2 1/2 hours... less throwing up afterwards and just a more alert, happier kid.
Now his mom on the other hand is throwing herself a big ol' pitty party. I know, I know, many other kiddos have it much worse. At least he's not fighting for his life..... though I think I'm fighting for mine. Man....... I've been grumpy this week. I hope to be coming out of the funk soon. It helps the little emperor just came up and gave me a hug and a kiss.
He just "made" his bed, that is really our bed. He sleeps with me until he doesn't need pain meds at night anymore. Here's the cutie picture of him and his animals in our bed this morning.
Even though he is so cute sporting anything.... I'm quite tired of those crazy head bandages, changing out gauze pads, giving medicines, and reminding him not to run, jump, or horseplay. I am grateful however that I can lay off a little on the restrictions this go around. Just his normal way of getting off his bed, walking, and moving downstairs will be fine! Josh tends to have a certain bounce/ run/ fast movement to anything he does and I won't need to nag him about that this time :)