Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Speaking of cute....

Oh yes... refreshing your inbox does pay off sometimes when you are waiting for news from afar.

According to our updated info Micah is 32 inches tall and 24 pounds AND most importantly an extremely cute little boy!!! Last night at supper the girls were fighting about who would change his diaper. We promised them that there would be enough diapers to go around ;) Funny... the boys never offered their help.

I have a feeling this is going to be a LONG few days/ weeks of waiting. I keep saying to myself, "the end (or beginning) is in sight... keep enjoying THIS day." I am more successful at some moments than others. ;)


Everything Beautiful Shay said...

Hello~ My husband Scott has a friend named Glen Haynes and he shared about your family with him today. We are so excited to meet you and see your precious baby. Our daughter and SIL go to the same church as Glen too. Small world! Anyway, we just got home about 2 months with our first son, third child from China and we are already working on paperwork for our second son waiting. Look forward to following your journey to China!!!
Blessings and love!
Sharon and Scott Ankerich

Sandy said...

He is adorable!!! May the time pass before your eyes in a blur of joy!!! Love your blog by the way!!!