Friday, December 16, 2011

Finally home

and VERY glad to be here.

Joshua got a good report from the doctor yesterday. Everything is still closed and he gets to eat soft foods, instead of blended foods that "drip from a spoon. This is his first meal... (3 pieces of cheese, mac n cheese, ice cream, and the center of white bread with jelly) January 19th is our day to look forward to as far as being able to eat anything. I'm happy that he is happy with his diet now though. Today he's already eaten 4 eggs, mandarin oranges, a very ripe banana, and a glass of Ensure.
As you can see he is very happy. As it turns out the food seemed to have been the issue all along. He is a much happier child now, especially now that we are home.
Here are some pictures of the gift giving and getting this morning... (This is becoming such a common occurance for him he was quite insisted last night that he get to open some when we got home. He was so tired though that he was content to open a card from the preschool director at church and wait for the rest in the morning.)

 Nene and Papaw gave them early Christmas gifts... movies. Since Josh can't do anything that could cause him to hurt his mouth. Those of you who know Josh know that walking down the street could cause him to fall so we will be watching more movies.

I am VERY happy to see all the kids and Clayton. We've enjoyed cuddling alot this morning.

Thank you to everyone that has helped with the kids... my parents, Clayton's parents, and our friends Carey and Aimee... y'all are awesome! Even though I hate not being here it is SO nice to have great family and friends to count on when you need them. Thanks SO much!!

Now I'm off to send out some emails and phone calls to set up the next surgery on his ears... UGH! It doesn't help things that the surgery and us going to China look like they should fall out about the same time. Always another adventure around the corner that's for sure.

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