Saturday, August 20, 2011

Our Whale Mobiles

Friday was one of the days I was so glad I get to homeschool. I confess it was the first day in 3 weeks I was genuinely grateful. Let's just say homeshooling a middle schooler, an English learner, a beginning reader, and a speech delayed child at the same time has it's challenges. My 4th grader is the only one that has stayed about the same as last year as far as work load.

It's good, it has just taken some adjusting for us all. Them as much as me! Going from a totally relaxed, do whatever we want summer- to having our brains on from 7:30-1:30 or so took some getting used to.

Joy shared some experiences Friday from her school life in China that gave us yet another glimpse into her life before us. Getting to hear her work through some things/ differences in school from there to here was a blessing. And having Grace and Faith there too was good for them. We all had tears in our eyes by the end of the conversation.

I am loving using Apologia for science this year. Everyone gets to be involved. I'll have to get the boys with their mobiles soon. When I took the pictures they were playing Lego's and I didn't want to interrupt them.

Obviously from the bathing suits we are still loving the pool! Very nice break and reward for finishing school work!

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