Thursday, June 30, 2011

Even if the blog is silent...

That doesn't mean things have been boring around here. I can't say I have many pictures to document the past few weeks at our house. Once I write about everything we've had going on you'll appreciate why.

For starters last week all three girls went to camp. They had Bible Studies, horse back riding, canoeing, archery, swimming. Fun was had by all of them. And this momma is glad they are home!

While they were away the boys, Clayton and I went to play laser tag, fishing, and to eat ice cream at a new place where you pay by the ounce. Let's just say we ate ice cream for supper that night.

Just as everyone was getting caught up on sleep from being at camp for a week the stomach bug hit. It hit hard. Maybe it wasn't too hard but when a virus has 7 people to go through in a weeks time it certainly seemed hard. I'm not really sure why all of the kids come find me instead of the bathroom when they are getting sick but they do. Let's just say I woke up to complete darkness and the gagging sound three nights in a row. The first time it happened I came out of my daze elbowing gently nudging Clayton. He shot up out of bed so fast he almost stepped in the mess and took out the sickee at the same time. I think this too has passed- thankfully!

This passed just in time for us to have a marathon of doctor appointments. Most importantly a decision to go to Boston for the craniofacial decisions there. Boston is the Harvard of Children's Hospitals and we need some wisdom and are tired of feeling pushed to the side where we go in Atlanta. We love our ENT and that is about it. He is helping us find the right ENT there and we think we are going to be working with Dr. Meara as a plastic surgeon. Tomorrow that should all be set up as they are working on coordinating everything for us. Another AP and mom of a cleft kiddo actually offered for us to stay there with her. She lives 15 minutes from the hospital. When she emailed me I cried and couldn't stop. Obviously that will be so helpful!!

So that was our few weeks in a nutshell. Just grateful to still be breathing, although today I admit I had to remind myself to breath a few times!

God always proves Himself faithful and strong. We are trusting Him!

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