Monday, August 16, 2010

Why do sweet boys like this not have families?

Honestly, this question is keeping me up at night. Praying, journaling, praying some more! More thought provoking questions for midnight are,

"Why are kids like him born in countries without good medical care?"

"Why can't more families that are able to bring more kids home to a forever family?"

"Why can't we do a better job supporting birth families so that they don't have to make hard decisions that give their kids the title orphan?"

Sorry to be a killjoy but it is late and I'm just being honest. Before you go and get all spiritual on me I do realize that even though my finite mind can't understand it somehow God is glorified in tragedy and that He is still on His throne and that He is most definitely trustworthy to answer or not answer all and any of these questions. I'm just having a hard time wrapping my mind around it all when I think of all the what if's with my own children... those born under my heart and those born in my heart.

This little guy is definitely worth staying up late praying and advocating for though....

1 comment:

Jessica said...

You don't know me, but I've followed your blog during your most recent adoption, and I thank you for sharing. Yours is a beautiful story! These are the same questions that get me all emotional every night. We are a few months away from getting another daughter from China, so this is all fresh in my mind. But I don't think my husband and I will ever stop trying to do something to change things for these sweet children. This subject weighs on me heavily.
Landon is such a cutie pie!